Modern Design ADA Compliant and California Title 24 Compliant Men's Restroom Door Triangle Sign - 12" x 12"
Modern Design Mens Bathroom Door ADA & CA Title 24 Signs - 12" x 12"
Designer Mens Bathroom Door Triangle Sign on Brushed Aluminum and Wood Laminate
Text color choices are black, bright white, or ash.
Modern Design Mens Restroom Door Signage from ADA Sign Depot
Beautiful architectural ADA signs that are fully compliant. Architects, interior designers and contractors will want to consider brushed aluminum and wood laminate Braille signage from ADA Sign Depot. An attractive alternative to standard issue plastic ADA signs, our American Made Modern ADA Signs are a great addition for upscale offices, universities, medical facilities, retail stores and restaurants.

"Great service and expedited response to all my questions about my order. As a result, the products ordered on line were confirmed and properly entered into production to meet my deadlines."
Restroom/Bathroom Door ADA and California Compliant Signs in Brushed Aluminum and Wood from ADA Sign Depot
- ADA compliant non-glare brushed aluminum and wood laminate
- ADA compliant gender pictogram in tactile (1/32 inch raised) or digitally printed (flat) style
- Elegant black arc channel groove separates sign elements while adding a three-dimensional quality
- Attractive and distinctive, ADA and Title 24 compliant signs in brushed aluminum and wood provide a custom alternative to generic plastic ADA Signs.
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