How to Apply for a Handicapped Parking Permit, State by State
ADA Sign Depot
August 30, 2013

How Do I Apply for a Handicapped Parking Permit?
The pain or disability you are suffering from does not necessarily have to be a chronic or permanently debilitating illness for you to qualify to receive a handicapped parking permit. Often persons with disabilities, both temporary and permanent, either never apply, or wait too long to apply, for a handicapped parking placard. People with “invisible” disabilities (disabilities that do not necessarily express outwardly) may fear being mistaken for an abuser of handicapped parking privileges. Being able to legally park in designated handicap parking spaces closer to stores, restaurants, schools and offices helps alleviate mobility challenges faced by many persons with disabilities. (Note: Some of the links will open directly in PDF files instead of web pages)
• If you have a disabling condition, temporary, chronic, or permanent, and want to know if you may qualify to receive a handicapped parking permit, ask your doctor. If you would be eligible for a handicap parking permit, they can make that determination
• Individual States have standards to determine who can receive a handicap parking permit. Some states charge a fee to provide handicapped parking permits and other States may require your doctor’s prescription to be submitted along with your application.