ADA Compliant Electrical Panel Inside Sign with Tactile Text and Braille
Electrical Panel Inside - 10" x 4" - ADA Tactile Braille Sign
ADA Compliant Electrical Panel Inside Sign with Tactile Text and Grade 2 Braille - 10" x 4"
Electrical Panel ADA Signs from ADA Sign Depot. Fire departments and building codes call for signage that clearly identifies key rooms and operations such as electrical panels, sprinkler systems, elevator controls and electrical control panels. Compliance signs with tactile (raised 1/32") text and braille meet ADA and building code regulations.ADA Compliant Electrical Panel Room Name Signs
- ADA compliant non-glare matte finish
- ADA compliant font and tactile (1/32 inch raised) letters
- ADA compliant size and letter height
- ADA compliant California domed Grade 2 Braille (The use of California standards for braille satisfies both Federal and California regulations, allowing a single dot configuration for all braille signs nationwide.)
- Our high-quality yet economically priced Braille Electrical Panel Inside Signs are fully ADA Compliant in all States.
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