This Door To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours Label
This Door To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours Label Ships Today
This Door To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours Label - 24" W x 1.75" H - One-Inch Black Letters on White Vinyl Peel-n-Stick Label
This Door To Remain Open During Business Hours label meets the typical requirement for one-inch high letters with easy-to-read high-contrast black letters on a white background. The 24 inch wide by 1-3/4 inch height allows this fire code label label to be affixed to the top horizontal part of common door frames. But the peel-and-stick adhesive also allows the label to be affixed to any flat surface, such as glass doors.
"Very easy and quality signs."
Title 24 citation related to signs/labels reading "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS"
From the State of California Dept. of Industrial Relations: Title 24, Part 2, Section 2-3303(b)(1).) (e) Locking. Exit doors shall be openable from the direction of exit travel without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort whenever the building is occupied. EXCEPTIONS: (1) Mental, penal, or corrective institutions where supervisory personnel is continually on duty and effective provisions are made to remove occupants in case of fire or other emergency. (2) This requirement shall not apply to exterior exit doors in Group B occupancies, if such doors are unlocked during business hours and there is a readily visible, durable sign on or adjacent to the door stating "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS."
The sign shall be in letters not less than one-inch high on a contrasting background. The locking device must be of a type that will be readily distinguishable as locked. (3) Exit doors in places of employment in Group B occupancies, may be locked whenever the locking device or mechanism is controlled by an effective mechanical/electrical or electronic system acceptable to the Division and approved for the purpose by the State Fire Marshal. NOTE: 1: Pursuant to the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 17950 et seq., local enforcement officials may further restrict or prohibit the use of these devices.
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