Men Wheelchair Accessible Restroom Sign in Brushed Aluminum and Wood
Men's Restroom Designer ADA Signs in Brushed Aluminum and Wood - 6"x9"
Modern Style ADA Compliant Men's Bathroom Signs in Brushed Aluminum and Wood Laminate with with Tactile Letters, Male Gender Symbol and Grade 2 Braille - 6" x 9"
These modern Mens Restroom ADA signs are a great addition for higher-end offices, universities, medical facilities, retail stores and restaurants. With this tactile braille sign mounted on the wall adjacent to the door of a males-only restroom, and our matching BWL-1025 Mens Room Triangle Door Sign mounted on the restroom door, your business is looking good while meeting compliance signs regulations. View ADA sign mounting instructions

ADA Compliant Mens Room Bathroom Signs in Brushed Aluminum and Wood Laminates
- ADA compliant non-glare brushed aluminum and wood laminate
- ADA compliant font and tactile (1/32 inch raised) text and pictogram (symbol)
- Elegant black arc channel groove separates sign elements while adding a three-dimensional quality
- ADA compliant clear California Domed Grade 2 Braille (The use of California standards for Braille satisfies both Federal and California regulations, allowing a single dot configuration for all Braille signs nationwide.)
- Attractive and distinctive, ADA compliant men's restroom signs in brushed aluminum and wood provide a custom alternative to generic plastic ADA Signs.
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